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[Deal Alert] That Mixtape Star-Lord Jams To In Guardians Of The Galaxy Is Currently Available On Google Play For Free [Update: In The US]

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awesomemixSo you know that mixtape that Peter Quill, excuse me—Star-Lord, dances to throughout Guardians of the Galaxy? Well those tunes are currently available on Google Play for free (Update: to people who live in the US). . So if you want to be an earthling who feels like a space-traveling superhero who uses these songs to remind him of Earth, now you can do so without spending any money.

Screenshot 2014-11-19 at 10.35.30 AM

Awesome Mix Vol. 1 comes with twelve tracks total, ranging from "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede to "Ain't No Mountain High Enough" by Marvin Gaye, with "I Want You Back" by the Jackson Five somewhere in between.

[Deal Alert] That Mixtape Star-Lord Jams To In Guardians Of The Galaxy Is Currently Available On Google Play For Free [Update: In The US] was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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3732 days ago
PSA: still available!
3732 days ago
Dead. (says $4 as of 1446 EST)
3731 days ago
Bummer! maybe it's only free for all access folks :-/
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Video Shows Off Working Project Ara Prototype, 'Spiral 2' Model Will Appear At Module Developers Conference In January 2015

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Screenshot 2014-10-29 at 1.23.11 PMProject Ara stirred up plenty of excitement when it was first announced, and it continues to entice people with its promise of a modular and upgradeable phone. We recently learned that users will be able to hot-swap modules (excluding the CPU and screen) while the device is on thanks to a modified version of Android L.

Now Phonebloks has shared a video of the work being done at NK Labs, a Massachusetts-based contractor doing a great deal of work on the project.

Video Shows Off Working Project Ara Prototype, 'Spiral 2' Model Will Appear At Module Developers Conference In January 2015 was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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3759 days ago
All I want in the world right now is hardware keyboard mods for this.
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Hexcells Infinite: Wot I Think

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I wasn’t subtle about how much I enjoyed Hexcells last year. The original Hexcells appeared from nowhere in my inbox in September, and I fell instantly in love. The second game, Hexcells Plus, arrived in December, after we’d already decided the original deserved a spot in our top games of 2013. I’ve replayed both games multiple times, because it’s a puzzle game of exquisite pleasure, delivered with calm poise and utter beauty. I was primed to think I might quite like Hexcells Infinite. Here’s wot I think:

… [visit site to read more]

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3807 days ago
This is a really really good game. Highly recommend you play the first and second ones first. Thank me later!
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This Judge Just Destroyed the Stupidest Argument Against Gay Marriage Ever

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On Tuesday, a federal judge ruled Kentucky’s ban on same-sex marriages unconstitutional and issued a withering take-down of marriage equality opponents.

Kentucky had argued that legalizing gay marriage would harm the state's birth rate. "These arguments are not those of serious people," wrote US district judge John Heyburn. "Though it seems almost unnecessary to explain, here are the reasons why.

"Even assuming the state has a legitimate interest in promoting procreation, the Court fails to see, and Defendant never explains, how the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage has any effect whatsoever on procreation among heterosexual spouses. Excluding same-sex couples from marriage does not change the number of heterosexual couples who choose to get married, the number who choose to have children, or the number of children they have.

"The state’s attempts to connect the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage to its interest in economic stability and in 'ensuring humanity’s continued existence' are at best illogical and even bewildering…The Court can think of no other conceivable legitimate reason for Kentucky’s laws excluding same-sex couples from marriage."

Heyburn stayed his ruling while Kentucky appeals, meaning no same-sex marriages are taking place just yet.

Read the full ruling:

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3878 days ago
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Android "L" Feature Spotlight: Write Wi-Fi Passwords To NFC Tags Directly From Android

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You know the scenario: friends come over, want to use your Wi-Fi, and expect you to just hand over the password. I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty weird about just giving my password to everyone who walks through the door, regardless of how well I know them. Most of time I opt to type my password in for them, but there is an easier way: store your Wi-Fi info on an NFC tag.

Android "L" Feature Spotlight: Write Wi-Fi Passwords To NFC Tags Directly From Android was written by the awesome team at Android Police.

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3883 days ago
This is brilliant
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3884 days ago
Best response!
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